website image

The Point Boston Peninsula is a community development that stretches over 750 hectares of natural peninsula about 18 kms from Port Lincoln. It is ideally located for weekend getaways or as a place to live.

A Scheme description and By-Laws protect the integrity of this development area and help maintain and preserve the natural heritage across the peninsula.

The Community Corporation currently consists of 207 Lot holders with the potential to build 247 dwellings in the East Bay precinct.

Lot holders collectively own around 650ha of land mainly designated as native bushland.

The Corporation has its own scalable environmentally friendly wastewater treatment system which involves large underground sand filters and uses plant transpiration to dispose of treated waste water and nutrients.

A Community Corporation Committee formed by lot holders is responsible for the management of common property - including land and infrastructure. The Committee is also responsible for ensuring the By-Laws and the Scheme Description are upheld.

For further information please contact our Corporation Manager -

Steve Geyer at Whittles on 08 8291 2325 or

For up to date information and to share Point Boston information you can now join the Point Boston Community Group on Facebook. This is a private group for Lot holders.















Please note that changes to the By-laws, Design Guidelines and the Plumbing Guide were completed in March 2022. These are now available in a single By-law document.



Community Notices

  1. Presiding Officer AGM letter 2021
  2. Presiding Officer EGM report January 2022 and Annexure A
  3. Presiding Officer letter re AGM 2022
  4. Updated By-Laws 2022
  5. Presiding Officer AGM report March 2023
  6. East Bay Planning Day 2024
  7. Presiding Officer AGM report March 2024



Point Boston Committee

Presiding Member                                    Ian Crossland 0466529538

Treasurer                                                 Katrina Scholz

Secretary and Recreation                        Annette  Bould

Environment                                            Alex Foster     

Bushfire and Pest Control                       Shane Wedding

Water Services/caretaker                        Neil Wilson

Infrastructure                                          John Gerlach 

New Builds and Utilities                          Matt Eming


Whittles Manager             Steve Geyer            Whittles Management Agreement 2024

Groundskeeper                Michael Smith

Building Design Guidelines

 All applications to build at Point Boston must be certified by our Design Review Architect before submission to Council. This includes any significant alterations and additions. Please see our By-laws which contain our Design Guidelines (see Information for Residents page)
Prior to the commencement of building works you must:

- Contact our Corporation Manager Steve Geyer at Whittles to arrange connection of your water meter
- Induct your builder regarding the obligations contained in the Scheme Description and By-Laws
- Take note of our Cultural Heritage, Natural Vegetation and Bushfire Management policies

To compliment the “Absorbs” environmental wastewater treatment system the Corporation will only approve the ‘Access all in One 5000’ septic tank as the primary wastewater system at Point Boston. Please contact Trevor Castley – All Water Plumbing on 0427521544 for supply and installation. Please note that some low lying properties may need larger pumps than the standard pumps usually installed.

The construction of sheds or other structures will not be permitted unless they are constructed contemporaneously with the construction of a dwelling (By-Law 6)

All enquiries can be made through our Corporation Manager Steve Geyer at Whittles - 08 8291 2325

Due to positive budget outcomes the Management Committee have decided to reduce the connection fee to the Corporations sewage system to $5,000 (not $8,000 as currenlt stated in the Design Guidelines 5.19)


Please note the following amendments to the Guidelines:

  1. Design Review: Please submit colour copies of all documents direct to: The Design Review Architect: Damien McQuillan Architect as a pdf file to:- or mail to PO Box 1916Port Lincoln SA 5607
  2. Design Review Application Fee:  $500.00 plus GST payable to Damien McQuillan Architect (also includes a post build inspection prior to occupation)
  3. Additions to approved plans will be assessed for an additional fee to be agreed with the Design Review Architect directly.

Design Review Architect

Damien McQuillan Architect Pty Ltd

PO Box 1916

Port Lincoln SA 5607

ABN 53821433613



Mob: 0448 962563

Tel: 86 82 6732

Fax: 86 82 6769



PBCC By-Laws and Scheme Description

The Point Boston By-Laws and Scheme description apply to all members Corporation and will apply to all fututure developments at Point Boston.

View and download the Point Boston By-Laws (Updated 2022) 

View and download the Scheme description ***The design guidelines have been updated (see below link)*** 

View New Design Guidelines Appendix B of the By Laws in colour (Updated 2022)


Point Boston Aerial view

Point Boston Street and Lot layout

Water Bills

All residents have a water meter to record SA Water usage. Water bills (usage only) will be sent out bi-annually as part of your Corporation levies. Lot holders will not receive an SA Water service/sewage charge)

Primary Wastewater Treatment systemTo compliment the “Absorbs” environmental wastewater treatment system the Corporation will only approve the ‘Access all in One 5000’ septic tank as the primary wastewater system at Point Boston. Please contact Trevor Castley – All Water Plumbing on 0427521544 for supply and installation.

Emergency Contact Telephone Numbers


Port Lincoln Police: 08 8688 3020

Country Fire Service (CFS):

Corporation Manager

T 08 8291 2325

Bushfire Management Plan

We have been advised by the CFS that each individidual household must be solely responsible for their bushfire plan and maintenance of their fire fighting equipment. The Corporation is responsible for maintaining fire breaks and reducing plant growth around the residential development areas. This responsibility does not extend to vacant blocks.

Residential hand out Kit  POINT-BOSTON-CC-Inc-REV-2-Bushfire-readiness-Kit.pptx

CFS Survival Plan for Point Boston East-Bay-POINT-BOSTON-Bushfire-Survival-Plan-Checklist-2013.docx

2016 trial Survival Plan CFS-website-BSP-trial-2016.docx

Suitable Plant species (Low combustion) Plants-with-low-flammability-characteristics-2.docx

Sand Mining on the Peninsula

Sand Mine

A company related to the previous owner of the development site at Point Boston held an extractive mining lease (EML 5774) which expired in November 2012.  The previous operator was DK Quarries Pty Ltd of North Shields and the mine had a designated production rate of 100 – 1000 tonnes of sand per half year.

The site has had numerous extractive mining leases over the years. The sand was predominantly used for road works in and around Port Lincoln.

The land on which the expired mining lease sits has been rehabilitated. The cost for levelling the site was provided by the Environment and rehabilitation fund (EARF). In kind support was provided by our residents.




Native Vegetation Management Plan

In 2003 a survey of the Point Boston Peninsula was conducted on behalf of the South Australian Mariculture Pty Ltd. The report details some rare plant and bird species as well as some feral weeds and animal infestations.

The Corporation is now the owner of this land. By working with local and State Government agencies we aim to prevent further degradation and enhance the precious environment within our peninsula.


What you should Plant

Eyre Peninsula Coastal Action Plan




Cultural Heritage Awareness Plan

There are a number of Aboriginal sites within the Point Boston Peninsula. Although the location of these areas will not be publicised it is important that all members are aware of their legal responsibilities.


Native Vegetation


Map of Point Boston showing areas used as a clearance offset and deemed by DEW to be of Significant Environmental Benefit (SEB). These areas will be maintained as Native Vegetation by the Corporation.




What should I do if I discover:-

Aboriginal sites or objects

Aboriginal remains (bones)



Local Indigenous Community

T 08 8682 6677

F 08 8682 6616


General Enquiries, Complaints and Maintenance

All enquiries, including requests to the Management Committee must be made through our Corporation Manager.

Corporation Manager - Steve Geyer
T 08 8291 2325

Building - Eyesores and non complying structures

Damien McQillan Archtects

Unresolved ongoing issues

Presiding Member Ian Crossland 0466529538

Useful Links

Whittles          -

Coastwatch    -

Fishwatch       -

Birdwatch       -

DCLEP             -

NRMB             -

EPA                 -

CFS                 -


SA Department of Health                                   -
SA Department of Environment and Water       -